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Read the latest news from our blog:
How One Champions Mom Is Making A City-Wide Impact
Our kids are Champions, but our moms and dads are heroes! This Mother’s Day month, we’d like to introduce you to one of our heroes: Michelle Huang Scott from San...
Autism, A Parent’s Perspective
Having a family member with special needs introduces you to a world of challenges, doctor’s appointments, spiritual warfare and new normals. This month, we’d like to share the story of special needs parents and pastors Isaac Dailey and his wife Lizzy. They serve Champions Clubs as West Coast Regional Directors. If you’re a special needs parent, please know that you’re not alone! We hope Isaac & Lizzy’s story encourages you.
Welcome to the Champions Family: Storyside Church in Bellville, Ohio!
In December 2018, Storyside Church in Belville, OH launched their Champions Club. A little over a month after the big launch, we caught up with Director Ashley...
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