A declaration for you from Pastor Craig Johnson
I believe 2024 will be an unprecedented year in your lives. I feel it so strong! It’s going to be a YEAR TO REMEMBER! A year you will look back on and say, “I remember”, and “I will never forget what God did in 2024.” We are believing it will be a memorial stone year for your children & family.
Things that were hard will become easier.
Restoration in your relationships, healing from loss, and unique opportunities will come your way.
You will give more, help more and fight for people more than you ever have in your lifetime. Favor and blessings will chase us down.
Doors that were closed will swing wide open.
Hope that was lost will be found this year.
Dreams you had locked away in your heart will break through this year.
You will tell your children and grandchildren what you witnessed in your lives in 2024 and you will celebrate that what should have taken 25 years took place in 1.
With all that’s happening in our world some people are expecting the worst, while in 2023 God was planning the BEST in 2024!
A Year To Remember!!! So Be It! Amen!
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