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Including Individuals with Special Needs at Public Events
A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Organizations
Maybe your organization is planning a Fall Festival this year. Public events are a fantastic way for families to enjoy quality time together, create lasting memories, and participate in their communities. However, when you have a child with special needs, attending such events can be challenging without proper planning and consideration. Fortunately, with the right strategies and accommodations, both parents and event organizers can make these experiences inclusive and enjoyable for everyone involved, regardless of their abilities.
Special Needs Ministry
A special needs ministry is a ministry that focuses on teaching individuals with special needs the Word of God. Did you know that over 41 million people in the United States have a disability? That’s a lot! In 2023, 1 in 36 kids are diagnosed with autism. So, if your church or organization has 100 kids, you’ll probably have some kids with autism in your group. And that’s not even counting children with a different diagnosis, such as down syndrome, cerebral palsy, or cognitive delays.
‘Overcoming Disappointment’ New Devotional for Parents and Caregivers!
There's a new Champions Club Devotional on your favorite bible app! Overcoming Disappointment After Diagnosis is a seven-day reading plan that...
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