When we left off in the previous blog, I said that when you’re going through a drought, I believe there are two things that help you come out of the drought and into an abundance of rain. This is the dream of every parent of a child with special needs! Whether it’s autism, like my son, or down syndrome, cerebral palsy, or any struggle your family might face. Let’s dig in!
Two Things To Get Out Of Your Drought And Into The Abundance Of Rain
1. Pray bold prayers
Psalm 34 says: I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. Psalm 22 says: They cried to You and were saved, in you they trusted and were not disappointed.
Droughts are not the time to complain, they are the time to proclaim! There is no power in complaining. Complaining is the language of the disempowered.
When God was bringing the children of Israel out of Egypt and into the promised land the trip was only supposed to take 11 days. But the children of Israel began to complain and murmur. What was only supposed to be an 11-day journey took 40 years.
I know when we’re facing things initially, we might need to release feelings so we can get it off our chest. But let me encourage you not to stay in the land of complaining & murmuring. Like the Children of Israel, it will take you nowhere. Begin to pray bold prayers.
There is a story in Jewish history that my friend & writer Mark Batterson shares in his book The Circle Maker. A story of how one man who dared to pray bold prayers became a legend to his people. It was called the Legend of the Circle Maker. Mark writes,
“It would be forever remembered as the day. In 1000 BC a drought had been going on for over a year. Leaders had tried different methods to call down rain from heaven. No rain.
When rain is plentiful, it’s an afterthought. During a drought, it’s the only thought.
With a six-foot staff in his hand an eccentric sage named Honi went to the middle of the town square and began to turn like a math compass. His circular movement was rhythmical and methodical. Ninety degrees. One hundred eighty degrees. Two hundred seventy degrees. Three hundred sixty degrees. He never looked up as the crowd looked on.
Honi called down rain: “Lord of the universe, I swear before Your great name that I will not move from this circle until You have shown mercy upon Your children.”
Then it happened.
Honi prayed again….” Not for such rain have I prayed, but for rain that will fill cisterns, pits, and caverns.”
The sprinkle turned into such a torrential downpour; no raindrop was smaller than an egg in size. Honi stayed and prayed inside his protracted circle.
Once more he refined his bold request: “Not for such rain have I prayed, but for rain of Your favor, blessing, and graciousness.”
It began to rain calmly, peacefully. Each raindrop was a tangible token of God’s grace, healing, hope, love peace.”
What am I saying?
Draw a big circle. Get your Swiffer, broom, or whatever you can find and draw a big circle. Our God is a big God, so don’t be afraid to draw big circles. Pray bold prayers, not weak prayers. Weak prayers are “Just Get By Prayers.” When you’re in the desert You don’t need just get by, you need I Declare, He Is Able, prayers.
2. Speak the Word of God!
The Word of God is powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. God spoke to me and said Craig I love that you talk about me but begin to speak my words and watch what I will do. When we were going through challenges with our son Connor who has a form of autism, we begin to search out in God’s Word scriptures on healing, restoration, and peace. We found 30 scriptures and every night before bed we begin to speak these scriptures over our son. Well, not only was God listening but Connor was listening. Connor started memorizing these scriptures and before we knew it, he had memorized all 30 scriptures. He would speak to them in the car, at school, during dinner time. One day he cut his foot and you could tell it hurt him. As his mom was putting medicine on him suddenly Connor with tears in his eyes said, “Is anyone among you sick let him call for the elders of the church and they will pray over them. Wow! My wife & I were amazed he was using scripture to respond to his emotion of being hurt. So cool!
My wife & I continued to pray bold prayers & speak God’s word over our son. We drew our circle around him & our house. As we did suddenly drought that we had faced for two years, another one for 6 years begin to shift. We literally saw God do miracles in our sons’ life.
You may be in a drought today. You may have forgotten what the abundance of rain feels like. But I believe if you will pray bold prayers, speak the word of God over your situation things will begin to shift. Begin to declare, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I shall not die but live and declare the works of The Lord. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” If God could do it for Honi, can’t he do it for us. I believe new legends will be born from your testimony of Gods goodness. I am believing with you that you are coming out of the drought, and into the abundance of rain.
If you’re in a drought right now, we have a great support community ready to encourage you!
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